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Going Carnivore – What Is Your Why

What is your why for going carnivore? My why is a pretty big one. It’s deep. This question could be applied to any new habit we start or goal we put in place. What is your why for…exercising, quitting smoking, cutting out caffeine, or dieting? Most of the time there is a very simple answer. You want to get healthy, you want to lessen your cancer risk, you want to fit into a dress or look better for an occasion, or you want better sleep.

Dig Deep, Make It Stick

In order to make your new habit stick, you’re going to need to come up with something better than any of those. Dig a little deeper. Keep asking yourself why with each answer.

Let’s say you have decided to try a carnivore diet. You might say your ‘why’ is because you want to lose weight. Ok, why do you want to lose weight? Maybe you feel uncomfortable or you no longer fit into your clothes. Losing weight may make you feel better and you may fit into your clothes again. But what other benefits would you gain? Maybe your knees won’t hurt anymore. What would you be able to do? Maybe you would reverse your type 2 diabetes and your doctor would reduce your meds. Would your autoimmune issues resolve? Perhaps infertility would no longer be part of your story.

My Why Has Changed, and That’s a Good Thing

For me, my why initially was my weight. It became so much more than that. I noticed my cognitive function had improved, my energy improved, and my muscle and joint pain improved. All of that happened before the weight loss started. So if I really break it down, my why is living.

I want to live. Allow me to clarify – I want to LIVE. I don’t want to simply exist. Surviving isn’t good enough. I want to soak up every moment, drenched in joy and gratitude. Every day that my health improves makes this kind of living possible. I have a pain-free life. I’m not ruled by carb addiction and sugar addiction. Binge eating is part of my past. My thinking is clear. My energy is high and steady. My anxiety has decreased. I am at a healthy, sustainable weight. Hair no longer falls out by the handful. In fact, my hair is growing back! I feel hope and gratitude every day. My body and mind are truly healing.

That Feeling of Zen

The physical changes are many. The changes to my mind and my spirit, however, are what keep me in this space ready to help others achieve the same blissful existence. Those physical changes allowed me to focus on something bigger than myself and my small world. With that, came the beginning of mental and emotional healing. Have you heard of the term ‘carnivore zen’ or ‘low carb zen’? It’s that stress-less, love more, gratitude, and peace that comes with true healing. When you realize you are no longer suffering and want to share this new-found appreciation for life with anyone who will listen.

I actually used to think it was a little hokey when I heard people talk about how your why needs to be something really big. Like dropping 50 pounds isn’t big? To my surprise, it’s not. It’s not everything. It’s not even the most important thing. Weight loss is often a happy side-effect of the crazy health benefits of being meat-based, animal-based, carnivore, high-fat carnivore (Fativore!), or keto. It’s the disease reversal, the giddiness of symptom relief, the gratitude you are able to feel, and then the weight.

Are You Ready?

If you need help finding your ‘why’, drop me a line! I’m happy to do a free consultation to help you decide how to approach your healing. You can email me, message me on any of my social accounts, or jump right in and book a coaching session.
book a coaching session


~ The Candid Carnivore