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A Letter to My Former Self

letter to my former self

If only. If only I could travel back in time and show myself how life could be. If only I had learned then what I know now about health, nutrition, and mindset. If only I could take her by the hand, encourage and love her. If only I could send a letter to my former self, I wouldn’t have wasted so much time punishing myself with nothing to show for it but a feeling of defeat and failure.

Dear Me (or You)

I get it. I really do.
You want to feel better NOW.
You want the weight off NOW.
You’re sick. You’re tired.
And you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Your confidence is down. Or maybe it’s gone completely.

You’re ready to try anything and everything to get to the person you are inside.

Baby, just take a breath.

You’re frustrated. I know.

Change is hard.
But please do me a favor.

Do it out of LOVE.

Do it because you’re making your health a priority – not because you hate your thighs or your pant size.

Do it because you want to truly live and love every minute of this short life.

Fuel your body for the life you want to live.
Move your body for the life you want to live – not to punish yourself.
Do it out of love – love for yourself, love for your family, love for life.

Your expectations are high, and that’s a great motivator. But let’s be realistic about it, hm?

You would never decide you’re going to be a runner one day and try to finish a marathon the next.
You would never decide you’re going to start strength training today and walk onto a bodybuilding competition the next.

Can you expect to heal years of health issues in a week? A month? Six months? Probably not.

But if you start today, you’re one day closer to revealing your true self. The version of you that has been hidden from the world for years – hell, your whole life – is suffocating in there.

This is not how God intended you to live. You were not created to merely exist, survive, or take up space. Life is a gift to be experienced every minute of every day, free of suffering.

It’s time to stop hiding under the soul-crushing weight of chronic disease and food addiction. You have the choice to change all of it. It’s not your fault. You didn’t choose to be this way. Don’t worry, I’m on your side. You’re not alone. And I love you.



the version you were meant to be

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