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Carnivore Hacks You Need to Know

Carnivore Hacks You Need To Know

Eating a meat-based diet is about as simple as you can get! Some people think this is a restrictive or boring way of eating. That is so not the case! But I suppose it depends on your perspective, your mindset, and if you really want true health and healing with a side of weight loss 😉 The way I see it, carnivore has simplified my life tremendously in so many ways! Today I’m sharing my favorite carnivore hacks that you need to know!

Plan Ahead

This one takes some initiative, but it’s so worth it. Whether you are just starting out or have been eating a meat-based diet for a long time, taking the time to plan will make your life easier and keep you from the temptation to grab other foods.

Once you have a basic carnivore food list it doesn’t take much time to create your plan. Meal prep is helpful, but really not necessary if you don’t have the time for it. As long as you have your favorite animal products stocked in your fridge, you’re good to go! If you need to pack a lunch for work, you can batch-cook to make life easier. You’ll just need to work that into your weekly schedule so you’re not scrambling or skipping meals unintentionally.

Buy In Bulk

It’s always best to support local farms and businesses, buying directly from farmers and butchers. You’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly where the meat comes from, how the animals are cared for and raised, and strengthening your local economy.

Most areas have some sort of bulk retail store if buying directly from a farm or butcher isn’t an option. You can buy large quantities of meat and butter and freeze what you won’t use right away.

Make Money When You Shop

Not only can you save money when buying in bulk, but you can also earn money when you use an app like Fetch Rewards. With this app, you can scan your physical receipts, email receipts, and even Amazon purchases to earn points. Those points add up and can be redeemed for gift cards, including Amazon, Visa, Buffalo Wild Wings, and dozens of other retailers and restaurants! Follow the link HERE and enter referral code HP57TX to start earning.

Handy Dandy Appliances

It depends on your preferred cooking methods, so I can’t say you need all of these. Pick and choose the right appliances for your preferred methods that work with the cuts of meat and foods you love to eat. 

I love steak, wings, roasts, ground beef, ground chicken, carnivore chicken nuggets, and brisket. All of these can be cooked in my Ninja Foodi air fryer/pressure cooker/slow cooker. Having one appliance that can do all the things saves money and space! If you are looking for basic single-function appliances, here’s the list for easy carnivore cooking:

Ninja Foodi multi-function

(seriously this thing does everything but wash the dishes afterward!)

Ninja Foodi Smart Grill – set your protein and level of doneness you prefer and ta-daa…no more over-cooked steak or dry chicken!

Otto Wilde Grill – ok so this is high-end and not even remotely necessary…but it’s on my wish list! If you have the means, I highly recommend it 😉


This blew my mind! How…WHY…did I never think of this in the first year+ of being a carnivore? I have two words for you, my friend. If you use an air fryer daily – or multiple times a day like I do – and you’re not already doing this, it’s absolutely going to change your life. PARCHMENT. PAPER. in your air fryer. That’s right! Line your air fryer with parchment paper to catch all the rendered fat, making clean-up just seconds of your time.

Of course, you can buy parchment paper anywhere, but here is a good Amazon option!

Find a Community That Suits You

This is super important. It doesn’t matter if you are brand new to carnivore, have been carnivore for years, or even if you’re a coach like me. It’s important to surround ourselves with like-minded people who are supportive and caring. People you can learn from, share with, and be of service to yourself. Yes, even if you’re new, you can help others by offering support, friendship, and asking questions. Check out the links below to join free or low-cost groups, or book one-on-one carnivore coaching sessions with me!

Beyond the Scale Facebook Group

Nutrition-Hackers Facebook Group

The Candid Carnivore Facebook Page

The Candid Carnivore on Instagram

Some links may be affiliate links in which case I may earn a small commission when a product is purchased, at NO EXTRA cost to you 🙂

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The Importance of a Carnivore Community: Find Your Tribe

Your Friends and Family…

As with any major life change, one of the most important things you can do to ensure success is to find likeminded people who will support you. Family and friends can be great – or they can bring you down. They may say they support you, but if they don’t fully understand what you’re doing and why, they may not be the best people to lean on when you are struggling. They may unknowingly undermine your plan. They may fully knowingly undermine your plan while telling you they support you. Either way, no matter what you are trying to accomplish – be it diet, exercise, career change, addiction, or any major life change – you need to find ya self a TRIBE. 

Don’t be so independent…

It’s actually imperative that you do. I am not a social person. I am not one who asks for help. I can do it all on my own, damn it! I’ll read and watch everything related to my goal and I’ll do it my own damn self. Yeah!….No. I mean that is totally how I think. I’m stubborn and not all that bright sometimes, but I recently learned something huge. We NEED people. Like it or not. And believe me, I do NOT like it one bit. But when you find the RIGHT people…dang. Well, that changes every single thing. 

In my previous posts, I sort of outlined the path that brought me to carnivore. I have been eating 95% carnivore for a long time now. Honestly, I don’t know exactly how long for sure. These last two years have been so weird. It’s like 2020 was skipped altogether and 2021 was a shadow of 2020. It’s been at least of year of mostly animal products with very little of anything else. I finally gave up the keto treats and sugar free sweeteners just a few months ago. Still, something was missing even though I thought I was doing everything right. 

Carnivore Community

In November 2021, I gave in and joined an online carnivore community. There are lots of groups out there! There are social media groups dedicated to various interests that are free and available for anyone to join. But that’s the problem I found – anyone can join and cause conflict or give information that may not be entirely accurate or beneficial because it doesn’t cost them anything. People feel empowered to be just plain mean and judgmental, sarcastic and just outright assholes. But the community I discovered is a whole different vibe. 

When I tell you I love these people, I mean I actually feel connected. I’m literally tearing up writing this. We celebrate together, we cry together, we support each other in every single way. If someone is struggling, the coaches and the members band together to find a workable solution to whatever that struggle is. I’m an inherently shy person, so I have not yet shared or spoken during the live Zoom ‘meatings’. (Meatings – get it? Isn’t that clever?!) I do post in different areas, though. There are live chat areas, places to just post your thoughts, and those Zoom meatings where you can share in that chat section or raise your hand and talk to the coaches in real time, or you can watch the playbacks. 

Let me tell you – I feel so much joy! Maybe that sounds hokey or corny, but there is no more accurate way to describe it. This way of eating = joy. This carnivore community = joy. Having this tribe to support me = joy. Giving support and cheering on those in my tribe = joy.  My heart is full and I have direction. I owe that to all the meat and fat I eat and to the beautiful carnivorous souls in the Steak and Butter Gang! 

My Tribe

A little background on the carnivore community, Steak and Butter Gang: it was founded by the one and only Steak and Butter Gal, Bella. While Bella’s story looks much different than mine, what she has created in this online community is something I have never seen before. You can check out Bella’s story on YouTube – her channel is here: Steak and Butter Gal – YouTube. She was a vegan for several years with worsening health issues before she discovered the carnivore life. She has since healed many, if not all, of those health problems by eating only meat, eggs, and butter! 

Don’t worry, I’m not selling anything! This is not a sponsored post; I get nothing from this except the satisfaction of spreading the benefits of carnivore and hoping more people realize that our food matters. Eating what our bodies were built to process and use matters!

If you’d like to check out this community that I am so head over heels for, you can find them HERE!

It’s not a free plan, but having access to the zoom meatings, the coaches, and the community is worth way more than the $1/day you’ll spend. The value far outweighs the cost! The February group is open now. You won’t regret signing up, but there may be a time where you regret not having signed up sooner!

If you’d like to know more before committing to carnivore or to a group like the SBG, feel free to email me, comment below, or have a look at my Instagram page! @thecandidcarnivore 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post here. Please know that truly – I appreciate you, you can heal yourself, and living is greater than simply existing. 


~ The Candid Carnivore