Healing with Carnivore

The Candid Carnivore – healing with carnivore

Healing with Carnivore: My mission to heal decades of autoimmune and eating disorders.

I’ve been al over the diet-sphere. Restricted calories, restricted fat, been anorexic, bulimic, I’ve binged, had an strong addiction to carbs, sugar, and food in general. I have done Weight Watchers, or whatever it’s calling itself these days. Paleo, whole food, low carb, low fat, low calorie, over exercised, under ate, keto, keto plus macro counting….ENOUGH!!! I mean for fuck sake, I just want to live my life! Live, be healthy, and HAPPY.

Despite popular opinion lately, that absolutely does not mean being obese and being ok with that. No. I have been morbidly obese – in stark contrast to my days of anorexia and bulimia. I was extremely sick and miserable and suffered every damn day. It’s got nothing to do with beauty and everything to do with my physical and mental health. So don’t come at me.

If you’ve been there, or if you’re there now, and want to get out…come with me. We have healing to do!