Some of My Favorite Things

Carnivore is so super simple, you really do not need any additional products! Some of these are carnivore friendly, like salt and coffee. But if you’re transitioning slowly like I did, you may want to make the process gentle and easy by having some keto comforts on hand until you can ween off of sweeteners completely. Check out my favorite products on Amazon – appliances, gadgets, products and carnivore t-shirts! (comlinks – I may receive a small commission if you purchase from a link here, but there is no additional cost to you)

Tallow Beauty Products:

Use discount code candidcarni10

Carnivore T-shirts:

My very own carnivore t-shirt designs are HERE! I

Carnivore Transition Helpers:

I found my way to carnivore over the course of several years. I used some helpers along the way only because my sugar addiction was SO strong. I continued to have ket-friendly sweeteners for almost a year after deciding to switch to carnivore. I leaned on those heavily – which in retrospect was not the best decision. I was still not fully nourishing myself, but at least I wasn’t eating sugar and high carb foods.

The electrolytes below are great with clean ingredients, are scientifically formulated for superior absorption, and do not use stevia.

Get your sample pack of InSaltd for just $2.00!

When I was transitioning from keto to carnivore I was curious about ketones and glucose. As a carnivore, we don’t chase ketones, but this Keto Mojo monitor is a great tool to find your baseline and track consistency. Get yours here!

Prime Protein was another tool I used when I was still battling sugar cravings. It’s completely carnivore with the exception of the stevia and cocoa, made from beef (but don’t worry, it doesn’t taste beefy!). Deliciousness can be found here in chocolate, peanut butter, vanilla, strawberry, and salted caramel, as well as unflavored. (warning if you have an issue with sweet tastes!)

And finally, my vitamin D – because in the northeastern United States, we simply never get enough sun. Vitamin D is crucial to immune, heart, and mental health! Get it here!

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