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Is a HEALTHY, happy new year on your wishlist?

new year resolution

Is a HEALTHY, happy new year on your wishlist?


Hi there! I’m Stephanie, a certified health coach and I have 2 options available for January to help you finally ditch the standard diet to gain health and lose weight. 

What I DO vs What I Do Not DO

As stated, I PROMISE, I do not sell any products – no pills, powders, or meal replacements, nothing like that. This is not an MLM. 

I teach people all over the world how to optimize their health with a low-carb, zero-carb, meat-based way of eating. I provide a service to help you heal chronic disease and lose weight permanently. I provide knowledge, support, accountability, and an individualized plan of action to help you heal, with fine-tuning along the way to help you reach your goal. 

If you…

Can’t control yourself around certain foods – it’s not your fault! Food addiction is REAL and I can help you put it in remission!

Have tried low-calorie diets – I’ll show you how to eat more nutrient-dense food and get results!

Have aches and pains due to inflammation – there are specific foods that cause this!

Take meds for type 2 diabetes, skin conditions, blood pressure, or any chronic disease – you can reverse these by adjusting your diet!

Think you need to lose weight to be healthy – that’s backward! You need to heal to lose weight!

Two Options Available

Option 1: Individual one-on-one coaching in a private, virtual space so I can help you no matter where you are. You choose the frequency of our sessions, days, and times, as needed. You can schedule 1 session and use that as a launching pad, or schedule a session as often as you like for fine-tuning, support, and accountability. Individual sessions are just $17.99, typically last 30 minutes, and there is no obligation. Book a session with me here:

Option 2: Group Sessions with TWO coaches! Groups are limited to 20 members, you get two coaches – myself and Amy Labbe who has 20 years of experience in the medical field and is part of the Food Addiction Recovery program, built-in support with like-minded peers, a Facebook group limited to only those members in your selected group where you can interact in addition to scheduled meetings and view meeting replays, at least one live virtual meeting per week with various topics, downloadable tools for success (habit tracker, food lists, recipes, and more!). Group sessions are $30/month, with no obligation, membership or subscription required. Available now – January sessions on Thursday evenings at 6pm EST, or Saturday mornings at 10am EST. Register for January Group Sessions here:

What Is There to Lose?

Aside from losing 100lbs along the way from low-carb to zero-carb, I’ve also lost:

Sugar addiction

Carb addiction

Processed food addiction

Binge eating disorder, anorexia, and bulimia

PCOS symptoms

Bleeding gums




High-dose thyroid meds (reduced dose twice this year!)


Aches & pains


Chronic fatigue

Unstable moods

Brain fog

What Is There to Gain?

What have I gained? 

A deep appreciation and passion for LIVING



Deep sleep


Freedom from all the things I have lost!

Still have questions? Message me!

Let’s GO! We’ve got HEALING to do!

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