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The Long Road to Health

I have a few ‘then and now’ images to share. My story isn’t a glamorous one, but all stories are important ones, right? The long road to health may be winding, bumpy, steep, and seemingly never-ending. I haven’t found the end yet, myself. And I don’t know if that’s even the goal. Because…then what? My goal is to seek out new challenges and never stop improving.

How Did I Get Here?

I didn’t have shocking results with one specific plan, carnivore or otherwise.

The list on each side of the photos above, me at 40 and me at 50, is not the whole list. There’s so much more…depression, anxiety, brain fog, PCOS, hirsutism, insulin resistance, OTHER eating disorders including anorexia and bulimia, muscle and joint pain…the list goes on and on.

I tried all the diets, and all the advice, and felt like I must be broken beyond repair.

Slowly, when one daughter was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I started looking into “food” as a cause of chronic health issues. We started with gluten-free, paleo, whole food. Then I discovered low carb. Then keto. But I was still addicted to sweet tastes. Still am, to be honest. I have to be very deliberate and strict with even carnivore-ish sweet foods.

I lost weight doing a lot of these different things. But I didn’t start HEALING and optimizing my health until I found carnivore.

My 2-year carniversary is coming up on January 1, 2023. Even that wasn’t a linear journey! I had a few ‘cheats’ in the first year. I got hooked on keto ice cream for two weeks when I had surgery in September of 2021.

But, MAN! Look how far I’ve come!

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