So you’ve jumped in but it seems like carnivore isn’t working.
Now what?
My first piece of advice…stop.
I don’t mean stop carnivore! You’re not getting off that easy!
I mean stop comparing yourself to other people. Especially stop comparing yourself to those who are younger, fitter, have less to heal, and who have been doing this way longer than you.
What To Do Instead
Let’s think about this logically. Carnivore truly is the proper human diet. There’s just too much scientific and anecdotal evidence to ignore. Carnivore, in any form, is far superior to any standard dietary guidelines. The exact right way to carnivore for you specifically may be different than it is for your favorite carnivore expert or influencer.
This is no fad. Rather the information is being shared with greater ease thanks to the internet and social media, making that information more easily accessible. Sadly, that means it can also get a little confusing with so many versions and opinions out there.
I’ll Keep Saying It Until You Hear Me
Bioindividuality matters. You’ll often hear some carnivores say that all we need to do is eat fatty meat and drink water. Simple. How I wish that were true for me. See, I’m a complicated being. Just ask my family. This was #1 on my list of 5 Things I Learned as a Carnivore. “Just eat meat” is as frustrating as the old standard “eat less and move more” for those of us with significant damage that we need to heal.
On the flip side, to say that carnivore doesn’t work is like throwing up your hands and abandoning your home because a lightbulb burned out. That’s ridiculous. Of course it works. You just can’t force your body to do what it’s not ready to do. You can’t do what someone half your age is doing. You can’t heal decades of damage in 90 days.
Healing Factors
If you’re older, it’s going to take longer.
If you have a lot to heal, it’s going to take longer.
Don’t compare yourself to a 20-something with a few years of damage if you’re over 40 and/or have several years or a lifetime of damage to heal.
You also simply cannot compare yourself to someone who started carnivore several years ago or who didn’t have as many years of damage or severity of illness.
Think about this. If a 5-year-old falls and scrapes a knee, and you fall and break a hip, who will heal faster?
Or this: if you fall down the stairs at age 40 but have no health issues and lean muscle mass, and your 40-year-old friend falls down the stairs but has brittle bones, little muscle, and inflammation, who’s going to heal faster?
Unfair Comparison
The only person you can compare yourself to is the version of you prior to starting carnivore. And if you’ve been eating this way for less than 6 months, don’t even compare yourself to yourself!
Your body will prioritize healing and we can’t always observe that in the mirror or on the scale. You may also lose some weight if that is your goal. But if you stall, or if it’s not happening as quickly as you want, you may need to change some ratios, and look at your calorie intake to make sure you are eating enough and getting enough fat and protein. What you can’t do is simply give up and walk away from a future healthy you that you just can’t see yet. Give it time. Take note of every improvement.
Keep the faith, my friend. You are loved and you are worth the work and time it will take to get there.
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