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Navigate Holidays with a Carnivore Coach

Navigating Holidays – a Carnivore Coach Can Help 

Always on the lookout for inspiring content, I happened upon Dr. Lisa Weiderman’s latest video last week. CarnivoreDoctor, as she is known on YouTube and Instagram, takes us on a beach walk with her as she talks about what she calls ‘the excuse trifecta’ and how it’s so important to have a plan to navigate holidays with a carnivore coach or other support. You can check out her video here!

Holidays are Hard!

We all know trying to stay away from carbs and sugar during the holidays can take a toll on us especially if we are coming from food addiction or disordered eating. It’s a well-known fact that holidays are just really hard when trying to stick to a particular way of eating that excludes traditional foods. I won’t call them treats anymore, because poisoning yourself should never be considered a treat! Like my t-shirt says, ‘Eating sugar and calling it a treat is like getting punched in the face and calling it a gift’. (You can find that and other carnivore merchandise in my shop here)

Dr. Weiderman made an excellent point in her video – the time to plan for those holiday temptations is NOW. Halloween candy is out in stores. Thanksgiving and Christmas won’t be far behind. Then you’ll start seeing all the weight loss gimmicks making their way into your life to ‘help you’ with your New Year’s resolution. 

Have a Plan!

Excuse season is upon us! Make your plan now to deal with those things when they come up! There are lots of free Facebook Groups and various levels of paid groups on other platforms. You can watch carnivore YouTube channels and listen to carnivore books and podcasts, or enlist the expertise of a carnivore coach to help you one-on-one or in a small group setting.

When you have a group of people with similar goals and challenges, your strength is multiplied by them. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals in a place you feel safe to share, ask questions, give and receive support. Yes, even if you are just starting out, you can lend support to others. Your experience and your struggle, or just being there for someone to lean on, is valid and important. In turn, when you lend support, you strengthen your own resolve.

If you need extra help, or if groups get to be too noisy for you, maybe you just want to focus on your own goals and challenges, then navigating the holidays with a carnivore coach may be a better fit for you. A carnivore coach will understand your struggles and work with you to develop strategies for success. Working with a coach will give you the confidence to say no to foods that may sabotage your progress while still enjoying gatherings with family and friends. You’ll have a tailored plan to combat cravings and temptation that fits your life.

Find the Right Support Tools

You can do all the things – large groups, support groups, one-on-one carnivore coaching, podcasts, videos, books…it’s all about resolving to only put the right things into your body and into your brain.

These things will help keep you on track, giving you a suit of armor for the holidays that assault us with sugar and carbs.

Follow the links below!

Facebook Group: Beyond the Scale

Why We Get Sick by Dr Ben Bikman

One-on-one coaching

Join now to inoculate yourself from the temptations, and have a personalized plan!

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