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Carnivore Isn’t Working? Stop!

So you’ve jumped in but it seems like carnivore isn’t working. 

Now what?

My first piece of advice…stop. 

I don’t mean stop carnivore! You’re not getting off that easy! 

I mean stop comparing yourself to other people. Especially stop comparing yourself to those who are younger, fitter, have less to heal, and who have been doing this way longer than you. 

What To Do Instead

Let’s think about this logically. Carnivore truly is the proper human diet. There’s just too much scientific and anecdotal evidence to ignore. Carnivore, in any form, is far superior to any standard dietary guidelines. The exact right way to carnivore for you specifically may be different than it is for your favorite carnivore expert or influencer. 

This is no fad. Rather the information is being shared with greater ease thanks to the internet and social media, making that information more easily accessible. Sadly, that means it can also get a little confusing with so many versions and opinions out there. 

I’ll Keep Saying It Until You Hear Me

Bioindividuality matters. You’ll often hear some carnivores say that all we need to do is eat fatty meat and drink water. Simple. How I wish that were true for me. See, I’m a complicated being. Just ask my family. This was #1 on my list of 5 Things I Learned as a Carnivore. “Just eat meat” is as frustrating as the old standard “eat less and move more” for those of us with significant damage that we need to heal. 

On the flip side, to say that carnivore doesn’t work is like throwing up your hands and abandoning your home because a lightbulb burned out. That’s ridiculous. Of course it works. You just can’t force your body to do what it’s not ready to do. You can’t do what someone half your age is doing. You can’t heal decades of damage in 90 days. 

Healing Factors

If you’re older, it’s going to take longer.

If you have a lot to heal, it’s going to take longer. 

Don’t compare yourself to a 20-something with a few years of damage if you’re over 40 and/or have several years or a lifetime of damage to heal. 

You also simply cannot compare yourself to someone who started carnivore several years ago or who didn’t have as many years of damage or severity of illness. 

Think about this. If a 5-year-old falls and scrapes a knee, and you fall and break a hip, who will heal faster? 

Or this: if you fall down the stairs at age 40 but have no health issues and lean muscle mass, and your 40-year-old friend falls down the stairs but has brittle bones, little muscle, and inflammation, who’s going to heal faster?

Unfair Comparison

The only person you can compare yourself to is the version of you prior to starting carnivore. And if you’ve been eating this way for less than 6 months, don’t even compare yourself to yourself!

Your body will prioritize healing and we can’t always observe that in the mirror or on the scale. You may also lose some weight if that is your goal. But if you stall, or if it’s not happening as quickly as you want, you may need to change some ratios, and look at your calorie intake to make sure you are eating enough and getting enough fat and protein. What you can’t do is simply give up and walk away from a future healthy you that you just can’t see yet. Give it time. Take note of every improvement. 

Keep the faith, my friend. You are loved and you are worth the work and time it will take to get there. 

If you need help, I got you covered.

Looking for one-on-one coaching? Click here!

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Navigate Holidays with a Carnivore Coach

Navigating Holidays – a Carnivore Coach Can Help 

Always on the lookout for inspiring content, I happened upon Dr. Lisa Weiderman’s latest video last week. CarnivoreDoctor, as she is known on YouTube and Instagram, takes us on a beach walk with her as she talks about what she calls ‘the excuse trifecta’ and how it’s so important to have a plan to navigate holidays with a carnivore coach or other support. You can check out her video here!

Holidays are Hard!

We all know trying to stay away from carbs and sugar during the holidays can take a toll on us especially if we are coming from food addiction or disordered eating. It’s a well-known fact that holidays are just really hard when trying to stick to a particular way of eating that excludes traditional foods. I won’t call them treats anymore, because poisoning yourself should never be considered a treat! Like my t-shirt says, ‘Eating sugar and calling it a treat is like getting punched in the face and calling it a gift’. (You can find that and other carnivore merchandise in my shop here)

Dr. Weiderman made an excellent point in her video – the time to plan for those holiday temptations is NOW. Halloween candy is out in stores. Thanksgiving and Christmas won’t be far behind. Then you’ll start seeing all the weight loss gimmicks making their way into your life to ‘help you’ with your New Year’s resolution. 

Have a Plan!

Excuse season is upon us! Make your plan now to deal with those things when they come up! There are lots of free Facebook Groups and various levels of paid groups on other platforms. You can watch carnivore YouTube channels and listen to carnivore books and podcasts, or enlist the expertise of a carnivore coach to help you one-on-one or in a small group setting.

When you have a group of people with similar goals and challenges, your strength is multiplied by them. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals in a place you feel safe to share, ask questions, give and receive support. Yes, even if you are just starting out, you can lend support to others. Your experience and your struggle, or just being there for someone to lean on, is valid and important. In turn, when you lend support, you strengthen your own resolve.

If you need extra help, or if groups get to be too noisy for you, maybe you just want to focus on your own goals and challenges, then navigating the holidays with a carnivore coach may be a better fit for you. A carnivore coach will understand your struggles and work with you to develop strategies for success. Working with a coach will give you the confidence to say no to foods that may sabotage your progress while still enjoying gatherings with family and friends. You’ll have a tailored plan to combat cravings and temptation that fits your life.

Find the Right Support Tools

You can do all the things – large groups, support groups, one-on-one carnivore coaching, podcasts, videos, books…it’s all about resolving to only put the right things into your body and into your brain.

These things will help keep you on track, giving you a suit of armor for the holidays that assault us with sugar and carbs.

Follow the links below!

Facebook Group: Beyond the Scale

Why We Get Sick by Dr Ben Bikman

One-on-one coaching

Join now to inoculate yourself from the temptations, and have a personalized plan!

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5 Things I Learned as a Carnivore

My healing mission looks different today than it did 20 months ago – it’s changed even in the last six months. Hell, I’ve changed things up in the last two months! Here are some key items I’ve learned along the way. 

Slowwwww and Steady

5. It’s ok to make gradual changes. We always hear about how people just want instant gratification these days. Let me tell ya, when you add that societal trend to my life-long glaring lack of patience, I get a bit frustrated. I’ve learned that our bodies just can’t keep up if we change too much all at once. Aside from potential adverse effects, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what worked and what made no difference at all. If you change too much all at once how do you know what is helping or hurting your progress? Wanting instant gratification gets in the way of that.

I know my clients get frustrated when I tell them that I have several suggestions for them, but only give them one or two at a time. It’s not that I’m trying to stretch out their time with me. I want to take the one or two things that are likely to make the biggest impact and have them work on them for one or two weeks. Then we can gauge their progress and adjust as needed. 

Addiction Began in Childhood

4. Sugar and carb addiction is just as real as any other addiction. Maybe it doesn’t damage relationships or cost you your home or your job, but it does destroy your physical and mental health. I had this revelation somewhere around 1992. Man, that was a long time ago! I was sitting in my apartment, just 20 years old, fighting a mental battle no one else knew about. This unyielding urge to scrape up what change I could find to go to the store and buy whatever cakes and candy I could get. Not just once, not just some days. This was every damn day. It always felt like I was possessed. I remember talking to my mom about it and she was sympathetic, if not a little confused, but had no solution for me. I had no idea what to do about it.

A solution didn’t come for a few more years. Though the solution I chose out of desperation ended up being more disordered eating and I was still addicted. Rather than being obsessed with consuming these foods, I became obsessed with counting and tracking fat grams. Low fat was all the rage at the time. I became very thin but I was only eating carbs and sugar, very few calories. No fat or protein, no nutrition at all. I began developing arrhythmia, urinary problems, I was sick all the time, and lost my period. My moods were horrendous and I could barely function. 

Binging on Carnivore Foods

3. Binging absolutely can still happen on carnivore. I’ve heard so many influencers say that you can’t overeat on carnivore. That’s a dangerous claim for a binger. I’m trying to get used to smaller meals since people in the high-profile carnivore communities have been telling us to just eat as much meat as we want because it absolutely did trigger my binge eating disorder. It gave me the freedom to binge without guilt. Yes, I needed to actually nourish my body and not fear weight gain so I can begin to heal. But it also gave me permission to continue the disordered eating habit of binging.

I’ve heard some say it’s not possible to overeat fat. Somewhere in my subconscious, my brain said, “Challenge accepted! Hold my steak and watch this!” This was not a conscious decision. In some circles, it’s believed that the concept of priming is supposed to break the binging habit. That was not the case for me. The act of eating is a comfort for me. Doesn’t matter what the food is. The feeling of fullness equates to love, dopamine, and a really nice high. 

High Fat and Gut Health

2. High-fat carnivore may be the ideal approach for you – but you may need to heal some gut issues first. If you are not seeing results, or if your blood glucose increases dramatically when taking the ‘eat all the meats’/high-protein approach, you may need to adjust. If your body is converting more protein to glucose for energy, it’s fighting against what you’re attempting to do.

I think this happens a lot in those of us who are severely damaged metabolically. I put my body through hell with a lifetime of a very high-carb diet, chronic dieting, eating disorders (binging, restricting, bulimia, and a brief bout of anorexia), Hashimoto’s, sugar and carb addiction. So when my body takes in protein, it improvises so that it can comfortably continue to do what it’s always done by using glucose for fuel. While I’m healing, I’m not utilizing stored fat for energy. I argue this with my body every day, but we speak two different languages. So it’s my job to try to communicate what I want my body to do.

When I began doing this high fat/moderate protein version of carnivore, my body rebelled in a not-so-pleasant way. We’ll call it gastric distress. After weeks of making 6 – 8 trips per day to the bathroom with this ‘gastric distress’, I also caught some stomach virus – I think. I couldn’t stand the thought of eating any fat. My only nourishment for more than a week was eggs, plain gelatin flavored with electrolytes, and plain full-fat greek yogurt that I also flavored with electrolytes. I’m not recommending this tactic, but I think these foods helped heal and balance my gut microbiome. Now I can eat very high fat and not have any bowel issues at all. Yay for stomach viruses!

I’m joking, of course. It was not fun, I do not recommend it. But it caused an unintentional experiment and I learned something. I didn’t lose any weight at all during my illness, despite the amount of time I was on the toilet and despite the limited intake of food. I think it’s fascinating though! So, if you are feeling that you need to try the higher fat version of carnivore but your digestion is uncooperative, you may be able to add some gelatin and/or yogurt for a short time to balance things out so that you are able to process fats. Start reintroducing fat at a 50/50 fat to protein ratio of your calories and slowly increase the fat from there.

Individuality Matters

‘Just eat meat’ is becoming the new ‘eat less move more’ mantra.

1 . The number one most important this I’ve learned is this: Not everyone can carnivore the same way. Huge companies in the diet industry have been selling diets, supplements, pre-packaged ‘foods’, and the promise of looking good in a bikini for decades. These days, there are some big influencers promoting a one size fits all approach even when it comes to keto or carnivore. Maybe those plans work for the majority, but making a blanket statement urging people to just eat meat could be doing more harm than good. While ‘just eat meat’ is excellent advice, and will absolutely help kickstart the healing process, it’s not always just that simple. The carnivore community stands to lose people that way when they don’t get the same results. Each health mission is different, each body is different.

I wholeheartedly agree that it shouldn’t be overcomplicated – but it’s potentially detrimental to over-simplify as well. Particularly so if the person has an autoimmune issue, eating disorder, insulin resistance, or gut issues. It’s so important to take your own health issues into consideration, do your research, and work one-on-one with a coach if you have some specific challenges to navigate. Groups are wonderful for their support and camaraderie! Even small groups are great for coaching. But please take what you hear in large groups – or even what I write here! – with a grain of salt and use it as a launching point for your own mission. And if you’d like some one-on-one advice tailored specifically to your challenges and goals, you can reach me HERE!
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