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Carnivore Cooking: Best Ribeye Cooking Method

Carnivore cooking, as I say, never has to be boring. But there is something to be said for the potential simplicity of it. Cooking a carnivore meal doesn’t need to be a complicated recipe with a dozen steps and ingredients. No need to figure out what to have as a side dish.

The same cut of meat cooked in a slightly different way is often all that is needed to add variety! 99% of the time, I air fry my steak – and every other meat, honestly. It’s just so fast, easy, and mess-free. This time, however, I added a little sizzle by searing my steak in bacon fat. The crisp outer layer, flavored with that delicious bacon added more depth to the flavor and more interest to the texture.

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~ The Candid Carnivore

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